Want A Bigger Butt? Add These 11 Exercises To Your Home Workout

If you want to get a flat stomach and perfect abs fast, this article has the answer you seek. This is a simple exercise that basically just involves you bending your knees while holding weights, which will help you see faster results. Repeat the exercise for at least 10 times in an exercising routine. The squat tops every list of butt-sculpting exercises.

Lift your left leg and repeat. Brace your abs in tight as you bend your left knee and bring it in front of your body. All these exercises cause the muscles to go into oxygen debt. This mix of exercises designed to work your ab, glutes and thighs is an excellent ten minutes workout perfect for shaping the major muscles of the lower body.

Most abdominal exercises in this position will target the oblique muscles- those located on your sides. While it is not possible to spot-reduce fat loss in one particular area, cutting down on overall body fat while toning the butt muscles can lead to leaner, better-defined buttocks.

By doing regular core exercises, you strengthen and add mass to your abdominal muscles, which may prevent back aches that result from weak posture. This classic is a super workout for the glutes, as well fit as the hamstrings and hips. Keeping a slight bend in your left leg, lift your right leg behind you until you feel your glutes contract, while keeping both hip bones pointed toward the ground.

You'll need a carefully balanced diet of high-protein and low-calorie foods to keep you on track, alongside a workout plan that tactfully mixes cardio and lower body exercises. Lift slightly bent or straight legs up to about 90 degree angle and after a few seconds lower down ensuring you do not touch the ground with your feet, feel how your lower abs muscles work.

Abs exercises specifically target the abs and are indispensable when it comes to burning stomach fat and building a six pack. Sit with your knees bent, feet flexed (just your heels touch the floor) hip-width apart. In order to get flat abs in 2-3 weeks, you need to burn off that layer of stubborn belly fat which hides your abdominal muscles.

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